A Short Chronology of Communication


Early Oral, Visual Communication
100,000 BC   (Speculated) beginning of oral communication
 45,000      Earliest artifacts of visual communication (Neanderthal plaque,   
              mammoth tooth, Hungary)
 30,000      Mammoth ivory house--earliest animal carving
 35,000-     Cave paintings by Cro-Magnun Man (southern France and Spain), later
 14,000        simplified and evolved into pictographs
  8,000      Earliest token system coincides with beginnings of agricultural   
               economy in Fertile Crescent (Mesopotamia)
Emergence of Written Communication 
  3,000-     Bronze Age begins (hard metal tools using alloys)
  2,800BC    Advent of pictographs, phonogram systems; decline of token systems
             Sumerians use clay tablets, later introduce cuneiform
             Egyptians introduce papyrus, later use parchment,  
  1,000      Phoenicians developed simplified alphabet
    800      Greeks created 23-symbol alphabet, basis for Roman alphabet
    400      Golden Age of Greece: introduction of modern ideas of visual 
             design; public debate flourishes with democratic rule; Plato,   
             Aristotle theorize about logic, argumentation, rhetoric and     
    200 AD   Romans adapt Greek alphabet.
    400-     Fall of Rome, beginning of Dark Ages.  Use of text limited mostly 
   1200 AD     to monks working as copyists in monasteries .
Advent of Printing  
   1000      Movable clay type invented in China
   1234      Movable metal type invented in Korea
   1200s     Scribe guilds, commercial copyist shops sprout up around newly
             formed European universities
   1300s     Use of paper in Europe expands (Invented by Chinese in 105 AD,    
             brought by Moors to Spain, spread to Italy, later to Germany)
   1446      Gutenberg invents printing with movable type; Gutenberg Bibles
   1470s     First press in England; William Caxton prints earliest ad flyer.

   Political Responses
   1529      King Henry VIII outlawed imported publications in England,
             one of many authoritarian rulers to control press.
             Stationers Company later established to issue printing licenses.
   1598      King James I extolled idea of divine right of kings
   1644      John Milton launched libertarian thinking, called for free        
             expression of ideas as means to discover truth in Aeropagitica.
   1770s     Thomas Paine and others published pamphlets calling for American  
             Independence, value of free expression and free press
   1789      U.S. and French constitutions adopted, including provisions 
             guaranteeing freedom of expression.

Early Newspapers
   1480      French create first general mail system (1624 Denmark, 1625 England)
   1485      First newspaper (claimed by Hungary); various other efforts.
   1500s     House of Fuggers circulated letters among correspondents
   1600-20   First sustained production of newspapers in Europe
   1620      First English-language newspaper: The Courant.... (Amsterdam)
   1640s     Newspapers flourish in England, after century of strict control

Books and Book Publishing
    1900BC   Earliest known "book," Book of the Living Dead (Egyptian papyrus)
    540BC    Earliest library established in Athens
    868AD    Chinese perfect a block printing system for books (Diamond Sutra)
             Block books precedes printing with movable type (until 1480) 
   1446      Gutenberg prints 42-line Bible in Mainz, Germany
   1457      First book with title page printed in Mainz (Psalmorum codex). Idea
             attributed to Peter Schoffer
   1460      Woodcuts used for book illustration beginning with Albrecht Pfister
   1461      First popular books printed in German vernacular in Bamburg by
             Albrecht Pfister (Ulrich Boner's Edelstein and Johann von Tepl's  
             Ackermann aus Bohmen)
   1466      First German language Bible (first Italian in 1471)
   1470      Translation begins of Greek, Arab science classics
   1500      End of early period in printing history (referred to as incunabula)
   1747      Idea of numbering pages began by Foulis Press in Scotland
   1935      Modern paperback began (Allan Lane of Penguin Books)

Early American Print Media 
   1539      First printing press brought to New World (Mexico City)
   1640      First U.S. printing press set up at Cambridge (Harvard); first book
             printed in U.S.: Bay Psalm Book.
   1690      Colonial press period begins. First U.S. newspaper:  Publick      
             Occurrences, Boston.  Followed by Boston News Letter in 1704.
   1731      Benjamin Franklin started the first subscription library in U.S.
   1741      Benjamin Franklin becomes one of first two American magazine      
   1765      American publishers oppose British Stamp Tax
   1791      Bill of Rights (First Amendment) added to U.S. Constitution of 1789;
             partisan press period begins
   1820      Most major cities had newspaper: 22 dailies, 66 semi-weeklies, 422
             weeklies in U.S.
   1831      Emergence of penny press; Benjamin Day begins New York Sun
   1846      Rotary (cylinder) press invented in the U.S.
   1886      Ottmar Mergenthaler perfects linotype automatic typesetting machine
   1890s     Advent of yellow press (Joseph Pulitzer at New York World, William 
             Randolph Hearst at New York Journal)
   1896      Adolph Ochs purchased New York Times, focused on serious news.

Telegraphy ("writing over distance")
   1838      Samuel F. B. Morse invented technology, petitioned Congress for   
             appropriation to build experimental line
   1844      Morse linked Baltimore and Washington: "What hath God brought?"
   1846      Associated Press wire service organized
   1848      Trading began on Chicago Commodity Exchange as wire reached city 
   1855      Telegraph reached California, seven years before railroad.
   1883      Four time zones established in U.S., facilitating communications.

Photography ("writing with light")
   400 B.C.  Early light principles observed by Aristotle
   1727      Scientists discovered silver nitrate turns dark if exposed to light
   1839      Early tintype photos invented by Louis Daguerre (daguerreotype)
             Negative system allowing multiple prints invented by William Talbot 
   1851      Glass plate negatives using wet collodion process method invented
   1854      Roger Fenton became first notable news photographer (Crimean War) 
   1862-65   Matthew Brady chronicled U.S. Civil War, sold prints in galleries
   1873      Professor Frederick Ives (Cornell U.) perfects halftone process to
             print photos in publications, after years of various experiments  
   1880      New York Daily Graphic published first regular newspaper photos   
   1888      George Eastman invented roll film, popularized snapshot camera
   1898      Photos pivotal in Spanish-American War coverage by yellow press   
   1928      New York Daily News front cover depicted execution of Ruth Snyder
   1936      Life began publication, representing zenith of photojournalism 
   1937      Crash of Hindenberg dramatized value of news photographs

   1200       Routine use of modern signs, names on artisans' shops
   1476       William Caxton, early English printer, used printed flier to     
              promote book--earliest example of English-language printed ad
   1660s      Term "advertisement" generally adopted to describe commercial
              information in newspapers
   1704       First U.S. newspaper carried advertising (Boston News-Letter)
   1842       Volney Palmer established early media buying service
   1869       First U.S. ad agency: N.W. Ayer & Son (Wayland Ayer)
   1900       Consumer culture well established, evidenced by exhibits at
              Paris World's Fair
   1905       John E. Kennedy terms "Advertising is salemanship in print,"
              Albert Lasker of Lord & Thomas agency promotes "reason-why" copy
   1922       First radio advertising; WEAF in New York (toll broadcasting)
   1946       First commercial TV advertising
   1952       First use of TV commercials in presidential elections
   1957       Jim Vicary coins term subliminal advertising
   1990s      Trend toward agency consolidation, integrated marketing
              communication (IMC)

   1800 BC    Sumerian bulletins told farmers how to improve crop yields
   1622 AD    Pope Gregory XV established College of Propaganda
   1748       First news release (Kings College, later Columbia)
   1788-89    The Federalist Papers advocated creation of U.S. government.
   1820s      Amos Kendall served as first presidential press secretary, a
              member of Andrew Jackson's Kitchen cabinet.
   1840s      P.T. Barnum pioneered press agentry for the circus
   1882       William Vanderbilt responded to media with his famous quote about
              public reaction to changes by railroad: "The public be damned."
   1902       First publicity agency created in U.S.
   1906       Ivy Lee set up second publicity agency, issued Declaration of
              Principles based on helping media and telling the truth 
   1917-18    U.S. Committee on Public Information pioneered use of PR by
              government to support war effort, bond sales
   1927       'Torches of Freedom' Easter Parade altered public opinion about
              women smoking in public.
   1941-45    U.S. Office of War Information provided PR support for WWII. 
Telephony  ("sound over distance")
   1876      Alexander Graham Bell beat out Elisha Gray for first patent
   1877      Bell System launched; decided to lease, not sell, equipment
   1880      First exchange (switchboard) in New Haven, Connecticut
   1893      Telefon Hirondo (Budapest) experimented with telephone programming
   1934      Federal Communications Act brought telephony under federal regu-
             lation to serve "public interest, convenience and necessity"
   1949      Rural Electrification Act subsidized loans to extend service
   1962      First communication satellite (Telstar)
   1984      Breakup of Bell System into seven operating "Baby Bells"

Phonography ("writing with sound")
   1877      Thomas Edison credited with first voice recording (phonograph)
   1887      Emile Berliner's system allowed duplication (gramophone)
   1890s     American music popularized by John Phillip Sousa (marches), Scott 
             Joplin (ragtime) via recordings
   1906      Lee DeForest's vacuum tube allowed amplifying voices
   1920s     Joseph Maxwell invented microphone
   1940s     Battle of the speeds: 78s, 33-l/3 LPs (Columbia), 45 EPs (RCA)
   1951      DJ Alan Freed launched rock 'n' roll craze.
   1978      Digital recording began
   1983      Compact discs introduced

Motion Pictures
   1824      Peter Roget recognized importance of persistence of images
   1889      Thomas Edison and William Dickson invented first motion picture   
             camera (kinetograph) and viewer (kinetoscope)
   1894      Auguste and Louis Lumiere adapted camera built by Robert Paul (from
             Edison's design) to create cinemagraphe (basis for term cinema)
   1895      Lumieres exhibited first motion pictures in Paris, adapted from   
             Emile Reynaud's earlier Theatre Optique; opened first movie theater
   1896      Edison acquired projection system from inventors, promotes it as the 
             vitascope; first American theater opened in New York.
   1902-3    Early motion picture classics produced by George Melies ("A Trip to 
             the Moon") and by Edwin S. Porter ("The Great Train Robbery")
   1915      D.W. Griffith directed "The Birth of a Nation," followed next year 
             by "Intolerance," -- acknowledged as the father of modern movies.
   1922      Fox Movietone News experimented with sound (phonofilm: sound on   
             film; perfected later by Lee DeForest)
   1927      First sound motion picture ("The Jazz Singer" used vitaphone      
             technology with separate phonograph recording)
   1930      Sound pictures became accepted standard;
   1935      Kodachrome process popularized color films
   1941      Orson Welles' "Citizen Kane" considered best artistic film 
   1946      Peak of movie attendance -- 90 million Americans attend weekly
   1950s     Movies responded to advent of television
   1954      Movies began second runs on television 
   1977      Video cassette sales, rentals began 

   1864      Sir James Clerk Maxwell hypothesized about electromagnetic waves
   1887      Henrich Hertz demonstrated, calibrated waves in laboratory
   1888      Guglielmo Marconi created wireless telegraphy
   1901      Marconi sent first wireless signal across Atlantic
   1906      Reginald Fessenden conducted first experimental voice broadcast
   1912      Sinking of Titanic heightened public awareness of "radio"
   1919      Following use by military in World War I, consumer radio launched 
             in U.S. with creation of Radio Corporation of America
   1920      First station began operation, KDKA in Pittsburgh
   1922      First radio advertising, WEAF in New York
   1926      Radio consortium dissolved; National Broadcasting Company
             formed; AT&T focused on distribution of network broadcasts.
   1927      CBS formed; William S. Paley took over control in 1928. 
             Radio Act of 1927 created commission to oversee U.S. broadcasting
   1934      Federal Communications Commission Act passed
   1938      Orson Welles' famous "War of the Worlds" broadcast
   1943      ABC formed after divestiture of the NBC Blue network
   1950s     Gordon McClendon spearheaded station conversions to formats 
   1981      Deregulation removed many restrictions on broadcasters

   1923      Vladmir Zworykin invents iconoscope 
   1927      Philo T. Farnsworth obtained first television patent
   1930      RCA, Westinghouse and GE pooled research efforts to develop
             commercial TV system under Westinghouse physicist Vladmir Zworykin
   1939      Commercial television unveiled to public at New York World's Fair
   1941      FCC established commercial TV standards; about 10 experimental    
             stations operated during World War II
   1946      Commercial broadcasting began; first network linked New York,     
             Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. by coaxial cable.    
   1948      Four-year freeze in license began (lifted in 1952 when FCC opened
             up UHF to provide extra capacity)
   1949      Community Antenna Television (CATV) began--predecessor to cable 
   1953      FCC picked RCA system as the standard for color transmission
   1962      All TV sets required to have VHF (2-13) and UHF (14-82) channels
   1966      Major networks begin all-color programming; FCC adopted standards 
             for cable operations.
   1967      Public Broadcasting System established by U.S. Congress 
   1975      Satellite broadcasts to cable systems began; 1/2-inch betamax
             and VHS recording systems introduced by Sony, JVC 
   1981      First home camcorders invented as successors to 8mm home movies
   1985      Fox Network began limited operations
   1994      Direct broadcast satellite service began to homes in U.S.

Broadcast News
   1912      Sinking of Titanic heightened public awareness of "radio"
   1916      Lee DeForest pioneered news reports of early presidential
   1920      KDKA reported results of Harding-Cox election; WWJ in
             Detroit later began regular news broadcasts
   1933      Associated Press began separate radio news service
   1932-44   FDR capitalized on power of radio in famous "Fireside Chats"
   1938      First network radio broadcasts on CBS, NBC 
   1947      First newscast: "Camel News Caravan" with John Cameron Swayze 
   1963      Network news broadcasts expanded to half-hour;JFK's assassination 
             brought drama direct to home TV sets.
   1968-72   Vietnam War and protests dramatized power televised news coverage, 
             aided by advent of videotape and satellite transmission
   1974      Televised Watergate hearings led to resignation of Richard Nixon
   1980      Cable News Network began 24-hour TV operations

Computer-Mediated Communications 
   1642      Blaise Pascal invented first mechanical calculator
   1833      Charles Babbage credited with inventing computer
   1868      Christopher Sholes invented first typewriter; patented by
             Eliphant Remington in 1874 
   1880s     Herman Hollerith invented punch card system used in 1890 census.
             His firm, founded in 1911, became predecessor to IBM.
   1939      John V. Atasnoff and Clifford Berry invented first digital,
             binary machine demonstrating principles later used in computers
   1946      John von Neumann wrote influential paper outlining components of
             basic computers known today
   1951      UNIVAC became first commercial computer (invention of John
             Mauchley and J. Presper Eckert at Remington-Rand); IBM Model
             650 introduced two years later
   1948      Transistors invented at Bell Labs, later used in amplifiers in
             1953, radios in 1954) 
   1958      Computer circuit boards created by Jack Kirby (Texas Instruments) 
   1960s     Minicomputers introduced 
   1962      First computerized game (William Higginbotham, Brookhaven Lab)
   1969      U.S. Defense Department computer network created--model for      
             Internet (ARAPANET: Advanced Research Project Agency Network)
   1975      Personal computers introduced by Edward Roberts (Altair), IBM 
   1984      Apple Macintosh combined earlier mouse and windows technologies 
             with graphic capability, simplified operations for consumers.
   1990s     Multimedia capabilities provided sound, video in PCs.
   1992      National Research and Education Network (NREN) approved by
             Congress to upgrade Internet.

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Updated July 1996