Introduction to Communication


2012-2013 Fall Semester



Instructor                             :         İrfan Erdoğan, Prof. Dr.

Office hours                         :         Monday and by appointment

Electronic sharing               :         will be set after the first class

Personal Website                :

Class Meetings                    :         9:30 a.m. Monday

Email                                    :




Course Description and Objectives


The Introduction to Communication course was designed to teach the nature of communication that is the necessary condition of all human activity, including public relations, advertising and management. We will begin the course by exploring and discussing the meaning of the term communication and examine and appreciate the complexity and richness embraced by the nature and practices of human communication in variety of contexts. We will move on to examine some of the basic forms of communication including biological, self, interpersonal, organizational, mediated and international communications.

Student will gain the fundamental knowledge on the nature of communication and be able to understand the other courses in the department better. Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

·     Demonstrate an understanding of the basic nature of communication.

·     Recognize causes, practices and outcomes of communication in general.

·     Understand the meaning and importance of organized time and space in communication and human life

·     Establish connections between human needs and production, distribution and consumption of communication

·     Provide sound discussion about means, objectives and organizations of communication in a society

·     Discuss competing ideas on communication, language and culture.

·     Demonstrate sufficient and valid knowledge about self-communication, interpersonal communication, non-verbal communication, mass communication, public relations, advertising, computer-mediated communication and global communication.

·     Have insight into the meaning of and relationships among, for instance, communication technology, technological products, communication product production, distribution and use, change agent, public relations, communication management, communication revolution and representation.

·     Appreciate the meaning of being a human in communicative and non-communicative actions in daily life.  


Course Format

The instructor strongly believes that learning is possible only through participation of students in the process beyond simply listening. While there will be lectures on weekly topics, students should come to class prepared and ready to contribute to our class sessions using real life examples. You participate by asking questions, providing comments and engaging in productive discussions in and outside the classroom in oral, written, or electronic forms. Written forms can be notes that students take from their readings. Electronic forms can be any informative content that students put in the electronic sharing system established for this class.

It is expected that students read pertinent sources about weekly topics and come to class well prepared. Students who (a) do not come to class prepared, (b) do not participate in classroom discussions and (c) do not pay due attention in the classroom presentations and interactions, inevitably will not be successful in this course.


Assessment Criteria


Students will be evaluated according to their performance in the mid-term and final exams. Only those who read the weekly subjects and participate in the classroom discussions will be answer to the questions.


Required readings


There will be no required reading. Students should read books and articles that they select from my suggested reading list and the existing literature. You should actively look for reading sources and share them with your classmates. Basic sources include books and articles and you can buy them or get access via internet, university library, libraries of other universities in Ankara. You can find many sources in my website. Regardless of the language of instruction, students should read sources in English, Turkish or any other language. Language of the course is not the determining factor of the knowledge acquisition: Any source in any language (English or not) and product (written or not) form can be used as means of knowledge acquirement.


Class Schedule




1 Orientation; preliminary inquiry on the concept of communication
2 Basic assumptions on communication; reason, objective, role,
function and context of communication
3 Products/outcomes of communication. Problems of communication
4 Language and communication. Culture and Communication
5 Personal system: Self-communication

Interpersonal system: interpersonal communication

7 Midterm exam
8 Verbal and nonverbal communication
9 Groups and group communication.
Organizations and organizational communication: Concepts, structures and relations
10 History of mediated communication: From verbal tradition to printed tradition.
Emergence of printing press. Development of press in Turkey
11 From Telegraph, photograph to digital technology and communication.
Controlling the space on verbal communication: Telephone.
Writing the voice: from gramophone, tape to CD.
12 Organized management and marketing communication: Advertising and public relations.
13 From images to moving images: Cinema.
Transmitting the sound: radio.
Bringing the sound and moving images to our house: Television
14 Mediated communication via computers: internet.
15  Global arena: international communication



Classroom Conduct Policy


Students are expected and required to act in class and toward other students and instructors in a manner that demonstrates respect for the collegiate environment and toward the other people in it.

Paying for school does not mean that you can act as you wish (I do not think that you have such an idea): American students pay at least 25 thousand dollars a year, but they do not expect immunity from class attendance, class participation, responsibilities, and do not claim passing grade because they pay for their education. Payment gives you only the privilege to attend the school.

Classroom time is an organized time for learning, not for using cell phones or engaging in interpersonal chatting. Please, respect the rights of your classmates’ right to learn and participate in discussions by, at least, keeping quite.

Be sure to have your cell phone off in class. The phone use is excluded from classroom behavior: It is not permitted at any time in the classroom, in either text or audible mode.


Suggested readings in my web page


Please do remember that you should never read any source without questioning everything written/said  


Location: “Dersler/İletişime giriş için okumalar: İngilizce”


               Communication and social legitimization by Q. Schultze

·        Communication, Truth, and Society by Richard McKeon

·        Mediated Identity in the Parasocial Interaction of TV by S. Annese

·        Competing sets of axioms of communication by Bowers, J. W. and Bradac, J. 

·        Common Carriers, Telecommunications, and Nations by A. Karolyi & N. Samuels

·        Communication defined

·        Dialoque defined

·        Forms of communication

·        Functions of communicationm

·        15 Mythes about modern communication

·        Definition, features, significance, of communication, need for comunication

·        Overcoming communication barriers

·        Non-Verbal.htmNon-verbal Communication

·        Communication as......

·        Defining communication

·        Communication in biological systems

·        Communication control: Censorship

·        Communication control: Self-censorship

·        Communication forms that existed in ancient societies

·        Communication History: A short Chronology

·        Communication history: Brief overview

·        İnternet and democracy

·        Computer-mediated communication

·        Social uses of interpersonal communication technologies

·        Self-communication basics

·        Technological mediated communication: Concept of media

·        Mass communication

·        Shaping Media Content: media professionalism

·        International communication: transnational media

·        International communication: The World of The World of Coca-Cola


 Selected articles on communication you can find in my website:


Erdoğan, İrfan. İlk Çağlardaki Egemen İletişim Biçimleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Erdoğan, İrfan. Türkiye'de iletişim araştırmalarının geleceği  .

Erdoğan, İrfan. Eleştirel yaklaşımlarda iletişim anlayışı

Erdoğan, İrfan ve K. Alemdar. Cumhuriyet Döneminde Türkiye'de Bilim: İLETİŞİM

Erdoğan, İrfan.  İletişim teknolojisi, ilişki ve politikası

Richard McKeon (1957) Communication, Truth, and Society. Ethics, Vol. 67, No. 2. (Jan., 1957), pp. 89-99.


Other suggested sources    


Abisel, N. (2006). Türk Sineması Üzerine Yazılar (Genişletilmiş 2. Basım), Ankara:Phonix.

Adler, R., Rodman, G. & Sevigny, A. (2011). Understanding Human Communication, Second Canadian Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Alberts, J. K., Nakayama, T. K., & Martin, J. N. (2010). Human Communication in Society (2nd Ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Alemdar, K. (1981). Türkiye’de Çağdaş Haberleşmenin Tarihsel Kökenleri. Ankara:AİTİA.

Alemdar, K. (2009) (Der.) Türkiye’de İletişimin Dünü, Bugünü ve Yarını. Ankara: AGC.

Bagdikian, Ben (2004) (4th ed.). Media Monopoly. Boston: Beacon.

Berger, C. R. (2008). Power, Dominance and Social Interaction. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Communication,Vol. VIII (pp. 3848-3852). Oxford, UK & Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Berger, C. R., Roloff, M. E., & Roskos-Ewoldsen, D. R. (2010). What is Communication Science? In: C. R. Berger, M. E. Roloff & D. R. Roskos-Ewoldsen (Eds.), Handbook of Communication Science, Second Edition.

Brookey,  Robert A. and Betty H. La France (Eds.) Introduction to Communication Studies: Traditional and Contemporary Readings. San Diego: Cognella Academic Publishing.

Campbell, S. W. & N. Kwak (2010). Mobile Communication and Civic Life: Linking Patterns of Use to Civic and Political Engagement. Journal of Communication, 60: 536-555.

Carey, James (1988). “A Cultural Approach to Communication.” In Communication as Culture, 13-36. Boston: Unwin Hyman.

Carlson, M. (2006). Tapping into TiVo: Digital Video Recorders and the Transition from Schedules to Surveillance in Television. New Media & Society, 8:97-115.

Cooley, C. (1909). The Significance of Communication. In W. Schramm, and D. F. Roberts (eds.)(1971). The Process and Effects of Mass Communication  (3rd revised ed.) Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Craig, Robert T. and Heidi L. Muller (2007) Theorizing Communication: Readings across Traditions London: Sage Publications.

Erdoğan, İrfan (2007) “Temel Bilgiler: Eleştirel Yaklaşımlarda İletişlim Anlayışı”. İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi 25: 153-198.

Erdoğan, İrfan (2010). İletişlimi Anlamak. Ankara: Erk.

Erdogan, İrfan. (1999). İlk Çağlardaki Egemen İletişim Biçimleri Üzerine bir Değerlendirme. Kültür ve İletişim, 1999, 2 (2): 15-47.

Griffin, E. (2009) A First Look At Communication Theory. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Jackson, J. D., G. M. Nielsen and Y. Hsu (2012). Mediated Society: A Critical Sociology of Media. London: Oxford University Press.

Knapp, M. L., and J. A. Hall (2002). Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction. 5th ed. Fort Worth, TX: Wadsworth.

Koloğlu, O. (2006). Osmanlıdan 21. Yüzyıla Basın Tarihi. İstanbul: Pozitif Yayınları.

McChesney, R. W. (2007). Communication Revolution. Critical Junctures and the Future of Media. New York: The New Press.

Mumby, D. K. (1989). “Ideology and the social construction of meaning: A communication perspective”. Communication Quarterly 37(4): 291-305.

Schiller, Dan (2006). How to Think about Information. Illinois: University of Illinois Press.

Schiller, Herbert (1996). Information Inequality. New York: Routledge.

Scott-Philips, T. C. (2008). “Defining Biological Communication”. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21 (2): 387-305.

Sevigny, A. (2010). Introduction to Communication, Second Edition. Dubuque, OH: Kendall - Hunt.

Sparks, Colin (2001). The Internet and the Global Public Sphere’, pp.75-98 in L.W. Bennett and R. Entman (eds) Mediated Politics: Communication and the Future of Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Steinberg, S. (2007). An Introduction to Communication Studies. Cape Town, S.A: Juta & Co.

Tokgöz, O. (2001). “Türkiye’de Yerel Medyanın Yapısı ve Örgütlenişi”. İletişim Dergisi, (9): 5-39.

Tubbs, S., & S. Moss (2008). Human communication: Principles and Contexts. New York: McGrawHill.

Turner, J. W. & N. L Reinsch, Jr. (2007). The Business Communicator as Presence Allocator: Multicommunicating, Equivocality, and Status at Work. Journal of Business Communication, 44: 36-58.

Tutal, N. (2006) Küreselleşme İletişim Kültürlerarasılık. İstanbul: Kırmızı.

Uluç, G. (2003). Küreselleşen Medya: İktidar ve Mücadele Alanı. Ankara: Anahtar.

Wellman, B. (2010). The Contentious Internet. Information, Communication & Society,13(2):151-54.

West, R. & L.H. Turner (eds.)(2011). Understanding Interpersonal Communication. Boston: Wadsworth.

Williams, Raymond. “The Technology and the Society.” In Television: Technology and Cultural Form, 3-25. Hanover: Wesleyan University Press, 1974/1992.

Wood, Julia T. (2010) Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the Field of Communication. Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Wrench, J. S., McCroskey, J. C., & Richmond, V. P. (2008). Human communication in everyday life: Explanations and applications. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.


Partial list of additional “recommended readings” I will place on reserve at the university library.


Alemdar, K. İletişim ve tarih

Barnouw, E. The Sponsor

Bell, D. The end of ideology (Kuram ve Araştırma dergisi, sayı 24)

Berelson. B. Communication and public opinion (Kuram ve Araştırma dergisi, sayı 24)

Blumler, J. G. Communication and democracy (In Ferment issue of J. of Com)

Cooley. C. The meaning and organization of communication (Kuram ve Araştırma dergisi, sayı 24)

Erdoğan, İ. (coordinator) media and ethics: Speeches and Final report.

Erdoğan, İ. Türkiye’de gazetecilik ve bilim iletişimi

Erdoğan, İ. Ve P. B. Solmaz. Sinema ve müzik

Erdoğan, İrfan. Eleştirel yaklaşımlarda iletişim anlayışı

Erdoğan, irfan. Kapitalizm, kalkınma, postmodernism ve iletişim

Erdoğan, İrfan. Teori ve pratikte halkla ilişkiler

Ewen, S. and E. Ewen. Channels of desire.

Gibbons, A. İnformation, ideology and communication

Habermas, J. Communication and evolution of society

Katz. E. and Paul Lazarsfeld. Personal influence (Kuram ve Araştırma dergisi, sayı 24)

Lasswell, H. The structure and function of communication in society (Kuram ve Araştırma dergisi, sayı 24)

McLuhan. M. The Gutenberg Galaxy

Mcluhan. M. Understanding media.

McLuhan. M. War and peace in the global village

McQuail, D. Communication

Mortensen, C. D. Communication.

Ritzer, G. The McDonaldization of society.

Schiller. H. The mind managers

Sreberny-Muhammadi, A. Media in global Context: A reader


I will place additional “recommended readings” on reserve at the university library.


I strongly suggest you use e-journal search facilities of your university.